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Miss Areewan Jatuthong

Acting Human Rights Commissioner, 3rd Commission

- 1992 Certificate of Nursing and Primary Midwifery, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Yala
- 2012 Thai Barrister-at-law, Institute of Legal Education of the Thai Bar
- 2018 Certificate of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure, Batch 9, Foundation for Research and Development of the Administrative Justice System

Bachelor's degree
- 2004 Bachelor of Laws (1st class honor) Dhurakij Pundit University 

Master's degree
- 2008 Master of Laws (Public Law) Dhurakij Pundit University 


Government agencies

- Legal Officer, Professional Level, (level 3, equivalent to a director), Office of Telecommunications Law, Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (2019)
- Legal Officer, Professional Level, (level 3, equivalent to a director), Office of Consumer Complaints and Protection in Telecommunications Business, Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (2018-2019)
- Legal Reform Analyst, Senior Professional Level,  Acting Deputy Secretary General of the Law Reform Commission of Thailand (technical) (2017-8)
- Legal Reform Analyst, Senior Professional Level,  Acting Director of the Secretariat and Advisor to the Social Legal Group of the Law Reform Commission of Thailand (2015-7)
- Legal Reform Analyst, Senior Professional Level,  Acting Director of the Office of Promotion of Participation and Network Development, Law Reform Commission of Thailand (2012-4)

Advisor/Committee Member/Subcommittee Member
- Honorary Advisor to the Committee on Human Rights, Rights and Liberties, and Consumer Protection of the Senate
- Member and Secretary of the Sub-committee to study and recommend the resolution to poverty and economic inequality
- Committee on the Resolution to Poverty and Inequality, the Senate
- Member and Assistant Secretary of the Committee on Governance in Civil Society Organizations and National Reform,  National Reform Steering Council, the Senate
- Member of the Subcommittee on Law, Committee on the Rights of Children, Youths, Women, and the Elderly, the House of Representatives
- Member of the Committee to Improve and Develop the Law on Gender Equality, Law Reform Commission of Thailand
- Qualified Member on Law of the Committee on Gender Equality Promotion, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- Qualified Board Member on Law of the Fund for Homeworkers, Ministry of Labour
- Qualified Board Member on Law of the Thai Women Empowerment Funds, Office of the Prime Minister
- Advisory Committee Member of the Committee on Political Development Plan, Political Development Council, batch 1   
- Member and Secretary of the Subcommittee to consider amendment or cancellation of laws that create unnecessary burden on people, Committee to Implement Immediate Legal Reform
- Member and Secretary of the Subcommittee to examine and monitor the law to comply with the national strategy and national reform, Advisory Committee for Supervision of Legal Reform
- Member and Secretary of the Subcommittee to formulate a law on the integration of performances among government agencies, Advisory Committee for Supervision of Legal Reform
- Member and Secretary of the Subcommittee to propose laws related to the public interest, Committee to Implement Immediate Legal Reform
- Member and Secretary of the Subcommittee to formulate a law on the integration of performances among government agencies, Committee to Implement Immediate Legal Reform
- Member and Assistant Secretary of the Subcommittee to integrate and push forward systemic and structural reforms, Committee to Prepare National Reform
- Member of the Subcommittee on unfair gender discrimination, Group 3, Committee on Unfair Gender Discrimination, established under the Gender Equality Act B.E. 2558
- Member of the Subcommittee on legal affairs, Office of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- Member of the Subcommittee on law and regulations, Thai Women Empowerment Funds
- Secretary of the Committee on Amendment and Development of Gender Equality Law, Law Reform Commission

Private sector / Civil society organizations
- Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Women's Status, the National Council of Women of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen
- Board Member, Lawyers Council, Region 1 (2013 - 2016)
- Member and Secretary of the Human Rights Sub-Committee on Children, Youths, Women, the Elderly, Persons of Disabilities, Lawyers Council (2013 - 2016)
- Member of the Human Rights Sub-Committee on Justice System, Lawyers Council
- Member of the Human Rights Sub-Committee on Children, Youths, Women, the Elderly, Persons of Disabilities, Lawyers Council
- Deputy Secretary General of the Campaign for Popular Democracy
- Working Group on Drafting of the Promotion of Opportunity and Gender Equality Bill (People’s version)
- Working Group on Drafting of the Promotion and Protection of Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights Bill (Public version)
- Working Group for Drafting the Partnership Bill (Public version)
- Attorney of JSP LAW Company Limited
- Advisor, Debtors’ Rights Reform Club, a non-profit organization
- Coordinator, Project to develop the potential of female community leaders in promoting urban wellbeing in Bangkok and vinicity
- Manager, Project to analyze and compile laws which result in unequal rights for women, a  project under the Women's Wellbeing Project
- Coordinator, Citizen’s Politics Project: Empowerment of Women in Local Politics, Gender and Development Research Institute, Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women
- Volunteer for legal awareness campaign on women's rights, Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence Act B.E. 2550, and the Act for the Establishment of and Procedure for Juvenile and Family Court, through various media.

- Freelance writer on legal issues in magazines "Chong Thang Thamma Ha Kin", "Praew" and others
- Host, ‘NBT Has Answers’ television program, every Wednesday from 10.00 - 11.00 hrs. (alternating with lawyer Mr. Praman Leangwattanawanit)
- Host and commentator in "Talking legal language" program at the 99.0 FM radio station
- Moderator in "101 People's Law Reform with Law Reform Commission" program at the 101 FM radio station

- Special lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


Academic works
- Areewan Jatuthong (2004) Legal Measures to Encourage Women to Participate in Politics (Master's thesis). Bangkok: Dhurakij Pundit University
- Areewan Jatuthong and Supa Ponglorphisit. (2012). Laws that Prevents Women from Receiving Equal Rights. Bangkok: Women's Health Project, Foundation for Women

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